Daylight is vital to your health
Daylight fights seasonal depression and strengthens the immune system. For a child’s well-being, spend 20 minutes in direct daylight under the open sky every day.
Rain or Shine
To go out or not to go out with your child when the weather is bad? My answer is – yes, get out, rain or shine. Do you consider eating or not eating if it’s raining outside? Getting daylight is almost as essential to your health as getting fresh and healthy food. Sure, you can get by on junk food but it will take its toll eventually.
20 minutes a day keep the doctor away
20 minutes a day – that’s how much daylight human beings should be getting every day. These minutes count only when daylight falls directly on the eye (not through windows, glasses or sunglasses). Just 20 minutes of being outside every day is enough for your body to get a sufficient dose of daylight. Those minutes can’t be broken up – I spent 5 minutes on my way to the car in the morning, then 5 minutes from the car to the office, plus a few minutes on my way to the store. To stay healthy you need to get a continuous 20-minute dose of daylight.
Open sky
Make your outings with your child as essential as meals or bath-time. 20 minutes should be spent in direct daylight under the open sky (not under a shelter or roof).
In the winter, there is a bad practice (at least in my country) of having the daily kindergarten playtime under roofed terraces (if the kids go out at all). Being under a shelter is not the same as being under the open sky.
Make sure your child is getting real daylight every day: go out daily for a while or at least ensure that your way to/from the kindergarten is longer than 20 minutes.
Practical tips on getting your daily light
First of all, make a 20-minute walk in the open air your daily habit. The easiest way is to incorporate it into your daily routine. Don’t drive to the school or kindergarten but stroll, scooter or bike. It’s a great habit to get into.
If you’re not lucky enough to live near the school, then consider walking to the grocery store your daily must-do.
Before buying another pair of high heels, get down to the sports or hiking store and get a pair of proper walking shoes for you and your child. Add a good rain jacket and you won’t have the “bad weather” excuse any more. Get a rain cover for the stroller, and get a rainproof combi for your child. I’m sure you’re very sweet, but you won’t melt in the rain 🙂
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