The Wakeboarding, Yoga Handstanding, Pole Dancing Mom Although I haven’t blogged for a while, I haven’t been wasting time. I’ve been figuring out how to make wakeboarding, yoga handstands and pole dancing part of my daily life as a Mom. These three new sports have not only benefitted my fitness, they have also made me look and feel younger than the date … [Read more]
6 mistakes I made while trying to lose weight with my stroller
Doing nothing causes no mistakes, but doing something with mistakes might cause negative results. …that’s why I made this post on easy tips on how to avoid the typical beginner’s mistakes. I was a stroller fitness beginner myself once – before I invented Strollnetics, I made a lot of mistakes. If you don’t want to repeat them on your … [Read more]
The Strollnetics Book is now available on Amazon Kindle Store!
How to turn a jogging stroller into your gym The first and only book for moms about losing weight, and getting into shape using just a baby stroller. How To Turn Your Baby Stroller Into Your Gym Strollnetics is a post-natal workout that will get you into shape simply by walking with your baby stroller. Strollnetics can … [Read more]
Love Handles Review – an elliptical trainer for your stroller
Stroller Fitness Attachment for Working Out with your Baby In Europe, you’ll rarely see yoga classes in the city parks, rollerblade dancing sessions, or even stroller fitness camps on the streets. So attaching something like Love Handles to a stroller and hitting the streets of Riga was something that had never been attempted before! So … [Read more]
Go Venus: Slow and Steady – the first Strollnetics update
In her first guest post (exciting!), Venus shares her progress, and talks about how she’s already lost an incredible 6 lbs in just 6 weeks! Why I knew Strollnetics was for me It was mid-June when I decided that I needed a jogging stroller. I remember scratching it off my mental list originally, thinking it … [Read more]
Go Venus! Meet The Face of our Strollnetics Experiment
A Real Mom Takes The Strollnetics Challenge Maybe you’re wondering ‘Does Strollnetics really work?’ Or ‘Would Strollnetics work for me?’ To answer these questions, we’re putting Strollnetics to the test with a real mom who’s trying to shift her baby weight! Meet the Mom Venus A. Castro, a sporty mom with a sense of adventure, … [Read more]
Strollnetics Magazine
The First Magazine ever about Stroller Fitness for Moms! Getting back in shape after pregnancy doesn’t require a gym, trainers or special training equipment. Discover an unrevealed value of your stroller: shape your body right on the go with the Strollnetics Invisible Exercises! Get a great body back by your baby stroller in daily walks: Lean … [Read more]
Buttocks Shaping Workout for Moms
Walking with a stroller makes an excellent booty training No matter what women think of their buttocks, men definitely notice them! Walking settles a lower part in a good shape. The challenge is to firm and push up your buttocks even more. If you’re not a fan of long training hours in a gym – use your walking … [Read more]
Fitness Rollerblading with the stroller
How to rollerblade to workout legs, butt and abs If you have to do it slowly pushing the baby stroller Lots of moms and dads do rollerblading with the baby stroller. It’s fun and it brings some changes into a daily routine. If an athlete in you dares for more, you can make a full … [Read more]
Strollnetics Fitness for Moms to Get in Shape
Weight loss exercises for moms with the stroller UPDATE: Now you can download my Strollnetics Fitness Guide for free! Now you can get what you have been dreaming of: Full body workout while walking with your baby Every mom goes out for a walk with her baby in a stroller. Usually we do it every … [Read more]