The Wakeboarding, Yoga Handstanding, Pole Dancing Mom Although I haven’t blogged for a while, I haven’t been wasting time. I’ve been figuring out how to make wakeboarding, yoga handstands and pole dancing part of my daily life as a Mom. These three new sports have not only benefitted my fitness, they have also made me look and feel younger than the date … [Read more]
6 mistakes I made while trying to lose weight with my stroller
Doing nothing causes no mistakes, but doing something with mistakes might cause negative results. …that’s why I made this post on easy tips on how to avoid the typical beginner’s mistakes. I was a stroller fitness beginner myself once – before I invented Strollnetics, I made a lot of mistakes. If you don’t want to repeat them on your … [Read more]
Sheeva The Celebrity Fitness Trainer – an Interview
This week, we’re publishing an interview with Sheeva Raynn, a Nutritionist and Celebrity Trainer from London. In it, Sheeva shares her no-stress approach to fitness and her healthy diet secrets. Sheeva, let me start with a gossip portal-style question to whet our readers’ appetites: I know you have been a celebrity trainer in one of the most prominent … [Read more]
Strollnetics Magazine
The First Magazine ever about Stroller Fitness for Moms! Getting back in shape after pregnancy doesn’t require a gym, trainers or special training equipment. Discover an unrevealed value of your stroller: shape your body right on the go with the Strollnetics Invisible Exercises! Get a great body back by your baby stroller in daily walks: Lean … [Read more]
Fitness Rollerblading with the stroller
How to rollerblade to workout legs, butt and abs If you have to do it slowly pushing the baby stroller Lots of moms and dads do rollerblading with the baby stroller. It’s fun and it brings some changes into a daily routine. If an athlete in you dares for more, you can make a full … [Read more]
Walkingmama Stroller Fitness Guide – arms, butt and stomach exercises. Free Download!
Get to know more about walking with baby in the stroller and doing fitness exercises in the same time. For a long time I have conducted a research on stroller fitness, tested out various exercises by myself and talked to fitness experts, and at the end I have summarized all my findings which you can … [Read more]
Invisible Stroller Fitness Exercises for the Arms
How to get an arms fitness workout while walking with the stroller. Moms have a fit and shaped arms just naturally: carrying a child is quite a workout. The case is that the triceps is stays untouched because we lifting mostly with the shoulder’s and biceps muscles. To workout your arms tricepses – make an … [Read more]