Stretching for Moms and Easter Crafts for Kids
We want to be healthy and young. Try stretching!
Stretching makes you feel healthier and look younger.
It removes tension and improves strength.
We all know how good it is to flexible like a willow. We just don’t know how to make it, especially if you are a busy 24/7 mom.
5 Minute Stand up Stretching for Moms
I always end up my stroller walking sessions with a 5 minutes stretching. I usually don’t carry a gym mat around. That’s why I made a stand up stretching routine to be done just anywhere. It stretches all main body parts affected by walking or running with the stroller. My body smiles!
Easter Crafts
I love doing crafts with my son to decorate home even if it is just one centerpiece or a festive garland. In this magazine – my Top 22 Easter Crafts to make with the Kids and Free downloadable Easter Stickers from MerMade!
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